Video has always held a key place in the growth marketer’s playbook. As brands face rising challenges, video needs to move into a more primary position for DTC brands.
The bottom-up, performance focused tactics (Facebook/Google PPC ads) will increasingly hit their limits. Moving forward, brands will need to seek out more break-thru moments to jump from one tier to the next.
Efforts with video should be directed towards the following opportunities;
- TikTok videos. The 30-45 second TikTok video is destined to become the foundational social media advertising unit. Being able to create impact with this short format video is imperative.
- Livestream video is also revealing itself to be an important opportunity. Experience in China shows that brands can use it for a range of goals; selling, creating brand experiences & entertainment, customer service and product demonstrations.
- Longer form, branded content still has an important place in the mix also, especially where brands can create shared experiences.
Experience from China where there are no truly effective bottom-up ads solutions, show how critically important video is for fueling brand growth. Short videos, livestreaming and long-form video all play a key role in building the audience attention that brands subsequently convert to sales.